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Expand Yourself And Your Gifts With Unbendable Courage

Imagine if you had the extraordinary power to make everyone happy with a particular song that you love to sing. 

Would you sing all day long? 

Or would you only sing the song when the majority of those who are listening to you are sad? If you choose to only sing at times when you feel like the world needs it, not only are you robbing the world of the comfort of hearing you sing, you are narrowing the range of people that you can help because you are not willing to share the gift given to you. 

How much of your life do you live for others? Have you ever wondered how to expand yourself in order to help others? 

In the past, you were too worried about how you could achieve your dreams. You wondered how else you could improve your personal life so that you could live comfortably. What you could do for others always took a back seat. 

But now you’re thinking, how do you turn those special gifts of yours into gifts for others? 


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Building This Habit Of Gratitude Can Transform Your Life

Have you ever thought about how being grateful can change your life? While you may have everything you could ever need now, there might come a time when you’ll be left with nothing, not even hope. When that day comes, the only thing you will learn is how your sense of gratitude will lift you up. 

Isn’t it easy to be ungrateful these days? In fact, it has become easier to want the things that we don’t have. Consumerism has taught people that there is always more out there. And when people don’t get what they want when they want it, they end up feeling like they’ve been robbed. 

It has become difficult for people to show gratitude because everything that we see around us is a reminder of how little we have. Rather than seeing how much we should be grateful for, we end up thinking that we deserve more, and life is mistreating us. 

Why Do People Feel They Have Less?

While everyone knows that gratitude is the best...

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How To Transform Your Mindset During Work Tasks

You are busy. You have a long list of things you need to do. You spend the whole day doing the things that need to be done. You feel tired at the end of the day, but you don't feel fulfilled at all. So, have you been productive? 

Perhaps you have equated exhaustion with the idea of productivity. When you feel tired at the end of the day, that means you have done everything you could to become productive in your own right. But is this true? Does it apply to all? 

When you ask yourself how to have a productive day, do you only have work-related tasks in mind? Or do you also consider all the personal things you also take care of during the day? 

When it comes to mindset management, one of the things that you should learn to do is to disassociate tiredness with productivity. It is not one and the same. You can feel tired even if you have not truly accomplished the task at hand. 

How did you go about the day? Your mindset is what controls...

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Creativity Advice To Keep In Mind

Creating beautiful things out of the ordinary is one of the best gifts humans have. Creative building inspires people to look at the simple and make something beautiful out of it. Ordinary situations are turned into learning opportunities whenever creative minds start to wonder about something new. 

Creativity, after all, is all about finding new approaches to things. It is about learning how to make something new out of a given situation. While others may think that it’s a gift restricted only to artists, writers, musicians, it is actually a life process that applies to everyone. 

How do you give yourself a creativity boost? Here are some creative thinking activities that can help you:

Tip 1: Creativity requires commitment

The first and most crucial step to take is for you to give creativity some time. Devote an hour or two of your days to developing your creative abilities. Do not put off your effort and think that the muse will just come to you. It is something...

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Becoming Fearless

How do you spend your days when it seems you have more time in your hands? Perhaps this thought never crossed your mind because you never really had the chance to stop and smell the flowers. With all the things that you need to get done, there isn’t any time to stop and meditate. 

But it isn’t the packed schedule or the long list of things-to-do that hinder you from enjoying your sweet spare time. You have become afraid of having some extra time in your hands because you don’t know what to do with it. 

You have become afraid of the empty space in your life. 

The busy schedule, constant distraction, the lack of focus, and the lack of satisfaction in your life often leaves you with so much more than you can handle. 

You end up running from one task to another. Instead of enjoying the spaces between the tasks, the moments of solitude and stillness, you end up filling the gaps with activities. You think of something useful to do. You have...

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The Wonders Of A Beginner's Mind (Zen)

A lot of joy can be found if only people lived with a zen state of mind. The philosophy behind this practice is pretty simple: you are looking at old problems with fresh eyes. It is like embracing the concept of a beginner's mind. You always look at things and situations as if it were the first time you encountered them.

What Does It Mean To Have A Beginner's Mind? 

To have a beginner's mind is defined as having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and the lack of preconceived notions about the subject matter at hand. When you already know practically everything about it, a beginner's mind can provide you with fresh eyes to see beyond what you've always been used to. 

Having an attitude of a beginner is healthy and beneficial most of the time. Oftentimes, when people become knowledgeable within a specific field or area, they often overlook things. Because they believe they are already experts, they are blinded, so it becomes challenging to look at...

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Here's How To Make Your Mind More Flexible 

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term "flexibility?" Many will immediately think of yoga poses or rubber bands. Others might consider pilates positions or taffy. But very few will actually think about flexibility in terms of thoughts. 

But what if flexible thinking is what you need to achieve good health? What if it's that flexibility in the mind that will help you achieve overall wellness in the body and well-being. With careful practice, you can develop that agile mind. You will be able to elevate your experience. 

Through mental flexibility, you will be able to teach yourself to become more resilient and creative. In the process, you will be able to achieve a happy heart and an even happier life. 

The cognitive flexibility theory talks about how you can bend your thinking to give way to new perspectives. It is grounded in the goal that you are aspiring for balance in your life. Between control and spontaneity, you...

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Practice The Power Of Believing In Yourself

How much confidence do you have in yourself and your abilities? If you often find that you’re unable to pursue your goals because of self-doubt, then you’re probably missing out on a lot of opportunities. 

Trying new things can be daunting, and they can intimidate you to the point that you’d rather not try at all. It’s most likely because you’re afraid to fail. Sometimes, we become convinced that if we don’t try, we’ll never fail. But all that this kind of thinking does is hinder our growth

For us to achieve success, we have to challenge ourselves to take some risks. The importance of believing in yourself is that you become aware of your capabilities and begin to have the courage to pursue whatever it is that you want to do. 

Trust yourself that you can take on new challenges and learn what you need to know so you can successfully accomplish any tasks you may have. You may think that sure, it’s...

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Shift Your Mood Out Of Negativity

Happiness, they say, should always come from within. So if you are looking for ways to turn negative into positive, you must seek the answers from within yourself. 

If you were asked what would make you happy, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Perhaps you have thought of your kids' milestones and how those moments make you happy. Or maybe it is the simple gesture of getting flowers for your birthday. 

But then again, all these actions and things may make you happy only for a moment. That's when you thought that happiness will always be ever fleeting. 

When you are all alone, and everything is quiet, ask yourself what truly makes you happy. Whether you admit to it or not, it is something that you cannot describe, but you can feel it. It is a sense of inner peace and quiet. 

So whenever it feels like you need to take the good with the bad, remind yourself that you need to live in the moment. Allow yourself to feel every moment in your...

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Setting Self-Imposed Deadlines: A Key To Getting What You Want


Deadlines. The word itself can sometimes fill you with dread and anxiety. Whether you love deadlines or not, there is one thing true about them—they provide you with a whole lot of motivation. 

There is nothing like a pending project that’s due tomorrow to keep you up and inspired all night. Deadlines help you stay focused on the task that needs to be done. They help you in managing the expectations of others and of yourself.

However, deadlines are not as daunting as people see it. Of course, there will be risks when you don’t meet them. Your boss might just fire you. A disappointed client might tell her friends not to hire you for future projects. Some coworkers may resent you. And so you push yourself to meet the deadline and fulfill everyone’s expectations. 

However, when you set deadlines for yourself, it seems you end up being too lenient. You up your deadline for this week, but you move it next week and then another...

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